Sea Worthy and Setting Sail

In 1928 John Shedd wrote, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” I would add, there are qualities of a ship (as in our own lives) that can only be employed and tested at sea. The human heart is one of those qualities.

As with a ship, so with the heart, it is not exactly the force of the wind that fills the sails and moves it forward. It is also the low pressure behind the sails that draws, not drives, us. This leads to a balance of forces between the sails above, the keel below, trimming the curve, and navigating the environment.

The Tatlow Society is the vessel of my own heart and convictions that has drawn me for decades into the sea of the collegiate ministry world. If your own heart feels drawn there as well into this epic, stormy, adventuresome, and wonder-filled world, then please consider becoming a partner this year of the Society.

You can be a partner through prayer, financial support, or bringing your time & talents to the Society. Tax-deductible charitable financial gifts of encouragement, annual, or impact, can be given through the Abide Ministries / Tatlow Society website.

As we sail into a new year of opportunity, challenges, and seemingly dark waters, do take note that there are also university students and schools that are seeking the treasures of what is beautiful, good, and true. Let’s sail there together, and help other local, national, and international collegiate ministries do the same with the hope of the Gospel.